LawGeex CEO’s Guest Blog on Fundraising Tips for Startups

We’re honored that EvolveLaw recently ran a guest blog on fundraising issues for startups from our CEO and Founder Noory Bechor. Noory’s looked at startups from both sides – initially as a lawyer for venture capitalists and other investors, and now as the CEO of LawGeex. As Noory writes: According to the management maxim known … Continued

Smarter New Year’s Resolutions for Your Startup or Small Business

People routinely make New Year’s resolutions, and just as routinely break them before January is over. How can you make resolutions for your startup or small business that you can actually stick with? Habit-Forming Some resolutions are one-shots: this will be the year you lose 20 pounds, finally get the new website up, or find … Continued

7 Ways Your Startup Can Save Money on Legal Services

Legal fees can burn through a startup’s resources fast when firms bill at $500+ per hour. Fortunately, there are alternatives. Your startup can save money on legal services. Some lawyers are willing to defer their fees until a startup is more solidly established, and others may be willing to work for equity in the company. We’re … Continued